Saturday, February 24, 2007

Finding Water & The Secret: Checking in

Well, one week ago today I started reading Finding Water with a group of bloggers. I got this book from the wonderful and talented Kristine, she sent it to me for the book swap we participated in over at CaC. I was so touched to receive this book from her and also be invited to join in on this 12 week journey of reading this book with so many other bloggers who are striving to either re-connect or stay in touch with their creative selves.

As part of going through this process you sign a creativity contract with yourself promising to write morning pages, go on a weekly artists date with yourself, and to go on a walk once a week. Last week I missed my morning pages 3 days, and I did not really get out on what I would consider an Artists date... I did however go on a couple walks (with the kids), and find myself creating more and sitting around less.

This week was a bit of an odd one for me though, a little bit overwhelming sometimes. I also watched The Secret one day on top of the morning pages... I think maybe i had a bit of an overload. But it is all really good information, maybe i was just trying to cram it all in too quickly. I have a tendency to do that sometimes. As a result I found myself getting really emotional over absolutely nothing... Or maybe not nothing, maybe I just have not figured out the source of all the emotion yet.

I have been trying really hard to have more patience with my children and just let them play as kids... trying is the key word there. I feel like an absolute maniac some days. Having a 2.5 year old and a 1.5 year old makes me literally feel like running away some days. Let alone having a 5 year old.... but really I have noticed that if I just let go a little bit and breathe it is easier than if I try to control everything, they are kids for crying out loud. And somehow this week with all my meditation on positive energy and thoughts, and writing out all that I am grateful for I have been a bit more relaxed and not so bitchy. That's a good thing :)

After I post this I plan on finishing the last of the exercises from last weeks reading... Somehow I put it off until now, but I am looking forward to it. I have to write a list of ten things that I could try... anything. 10 things that I could try, that would make me stretch and grow as a person, or just make me smile. I am excited to see what I come up with.

And just as some visual candy... I have found myself completely enamored by the sky lately. I look up and see these brilliant splashes of gold and pink and blue. I think one thing I will really miss after I move away is the sunsets.