Last Saturday I had a lovely dinner date with my new friend Kendra. I met Kendra in October in the forums of our Twilight Mom's group,(Yes, I am completely obsessed with the Twilight series... I believe I have made that abundantly clear with my gushing on and on about the books... WELL, apparently I am not alone and there is a WEBSITE for all of us crazy obsessed mom's to go hang out and discuss the finer points of the books) and we instantly hit it off. Kendra also lives in Arizona, a few hours away from me... So, naturally we began scheming and plotting a meeting as soon as was humanly possible. That meeting finally happened last weekend at The Olive Garden in Mesa.
As I ran in the door (a few minutes late) I saw Kendra standing there waiting with a big huge gift bag! We sat down and exchanged gifts, I gave her a tin full of magnets made using butterfly wings. She gave me the worlds most awesomesuperfantastc gift EVER :) She gave me that adorable squishy soft Team Switzerland bear (I have named him Jakeward), the play lists for all three of the books in the series (Stephenie Meyer creates a play list for each of her books... always awesome music), and the worlds FIRST EVER Dr. Cullen (An inside joke, we started calling Dr. Pepper by the name of Dr. Cullen in tribute to our favorite doctor... YES I AM A TOTAL GEEK)!!!
We sat and talked and ate, and talked, and ate... and giggled, and laughed... and ate, and talked... and so on and so forth for FOUR HOURS. We literally stayed till they closed. We got there at 7 and slowly shuffled out the doors at 11, where we proceeded to talk for a while longer. It was SO fantastic. Kendra is one of the coolest, sweetest people I have ever met.
She might be here again in a week or so... and if she is we are going to see August Rush together. Also, the Twilight Mom's are planning a trip to Forks WA. Yes that is correct. A big group of us are planning to meet up in Seattle next September and we are doing a "tour" of the places in the books. We have already rented a BIG cabin in Forks for us to all stay in... the more the merrier if any of you Twilight Mom's who read my blog are interested... you should go to the Twilight Mom's site, sign up for the forums, and then go to the thread entitled Twilight Mom's Forks trip.. or something like that. You can PM the lady who is putting it all together and join in on all the fun!!! Oh, and there is a possibility that Stephenie Meyer will be in Forks that weekend as it will be on Stephenie Meyer day and Bella's birthday... *squeeeeeeee* But, back to my original topic...
Saturday was SO great, I can hardly wait to meet up with Kendra again. I believe she is officially my first online friend I have ever actually met in person. :) I am supposed to be meeting with a big group of them in Utah when I go out there for Christmas too, that is going to be so FUN! I love my Twilight friends:)
Once again, if you are a Twilight fan, come join us in our insanity! If you are not... then you need to read the books already!!! :)