My new business cards... What do you think?
WOW! Things have been soooo busy. Insanely busy. But in a good way mostly :) I don't have time to really write it all down so I will do a list :D
Things I have missed blogging:
* Jett turned 5 on June 1st
* Kael turned 4 on July 8th while we were in Utah
* Utah Portrait Sessions went great (more on that later...)
* Driving home from Utah... not so great. My car died in Panguitch Utah and we were stuck in a motel for 2 days until our FABULOUS friend Brent drove 8 hours (each way) to come tow us home. Car is still dead... but Brent ROCKS!
* Summer is great and terrible... I am not someone who can spend all day every day in the company of children... forget I EVER said I would like to home school, I would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork. I mean that in the nicest, most motherly way possible.
* In Utah I got a sunburn, most of my body is freakishly tan now... except a few places that peeled. Me left shoulder and chest have bright pinky white splotches. Its sexy.
* I had a wonderful lunch with friends today at The Elephant Bar. Our poor poor waiter...
*I have read some amazing books the last couple weeks. I got to read the ARCs of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Fire by Kristin Cashore. I loved them both. I need to be an author just so I can join the cool author club and be their friends.
* I am working like a madwoman to finish editing all of the portrait sessions from Utah. I can't wait to share them!
* I am also working like crazy to finish a BUNCH of jewelry for 2 shows coming up in the next couple months. First is TwiCon coming up at the end of this month, and then in September I am selling at Squam... So.Much.To.Do!
* In preparation for TwiCon and Squam I ordered a banner and new business cards... with a spiffy new design :) And also I have made several table signs for my TwiCon table :) What do you think?? They match my banner and new cards :)

I will update again as soon as I can... maybe with a REAL post even! Yay me!