Thursday morning My mom and I took the kids on a walk to the farm that is down the hill from their house. There were new spring lambs for the kids to see. Six of them to be exact, and from the looks of it a few of the sheep were still pregnant. We fed them carrots and celery. It reminds me of the Wonder Pets and the episode where they saved the baby sheep, and shared celery at the end... What?!?! You don't watch the Wonder Pets??? What is WRONG with you? ;)
And now... Behold the random photo's I took of fences on our walk.
On the way home we passed by many wonderful sites, and even magical beasts! These fluffy white things are the buds from a wishing tree... Whatever, this is MY story and if I say its a wishing tree then it is.
Next we came to a forest of Purple Flower Tree's (that is really what they are called).
I discovered, quite by accident that if you smelled their aroma too deeply they turned you into a giant, kinda like the mushrooms in Wonderland...
After a few minutes the effects of the flower tree's wore off, and we continued on up the hill towards home. It was then that we encountered a ferocious lion!
I ran as fast as I could and stopped just below a tree. I looked up and saw Faeries! They tried to hide by wrapping themselves up inside their wings...
I didn't want to disturb the Faeries so I continued on up the hill, eventually making it home to my parents house. This is the view of the mountains out their front door... there are clouds in the way, but whatever... tomorrow I will have a much better photo. But this one is the last one I took on our walk :)
And that my friends, is the end of this entry... my eyes are tired. I hope you enjoyed the photo's of our little walk. And incase you have not figured it out yet, all the photo's are clickable so you can see them bigger.