My family and I drove up to Utah last week on Wednesday at the last minute to attend my cousin Muriel's wedding reception. I am so glad we were able to go. It was a
short trip, but the weather was *perfection* and I got to see some of my favorite people in the world!
In this picture, I am with my lovely Muriel. I have to admit I am totally weirded out by her getting married... even though she is older than I was when I got married.
And here I am with another cousin. This is Eliza. I want to steal her and take her away to Arizona so she can be my helper and watch the kids for me. She has *almost* as much energy as they do and they LOVED her!
Here is my Aunt Lill and my cousin Harvest. *sigh* I miss my Harvest so very very much... It was such a wonderful thing to see her. And for reasons I won't write it was also very hard. I just love her so much...
So very much infact, that I am putting this picture up as well...
And this one... *sigh*
This is my Grandma May... She is a spitfire. And I love her to pieces. She cracks me UP!
This here is my Grandpa... His name is Marion... he goes by Dick. Check out those eyebrows!!! He really isn't scowling at me, just trying to figure out why I won't get the camera out of his face :)
Ahhh, my lovely sister and my daddy :)
A wedding flower...
And another...
AND!!! I was SOOO beyond excited to get to see my sweet friend Jenica!!! We knew each other eons ago in the dreaded land of High School... She is so wonderful! I look stoned in this picture :)
Seriously, look at her adorableness, and be very jealous that I was able to bask in her glory and you could not. :) It was so very nice to see you again love.
All in all I must say it was a good trip, even if it was too short. All good things must eventually come to an end. I cannot wait until the next time I get up to Utah and see all my loves.