Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Peeking out

Lately I have been feeling like I want to do more. I have felt this many times in my life and usually I wait till it passes... But this time I am exploring my options a little more. As a mother of 3 young boys, a wife and homemaker, it seems I don't have much time to do the things I really want to do. But recently I have been making that time and it feels nice.

I want to do more. When I was 18 I had a fleeting dream of opening up a small shop where I sold found objects that I remade into art. I never did this, instead I became a Massage Therapist (which I really do love, but I sometimes get irritated with). I got married and started having kids. That has been my life these last years. A life that I love, but now I fell I need to do more. I have many many ideas running through my head, no longer do I want the little shop... but perhaps an online store??? My mom did it. And she knows NOTHING of computers...

Some of you have seen this photo already as I took it a couple weeks ago... But it fits well with my imperfection this week so I am using it:) My imperfection is that I am hesitant to actually step forward and so what it is that I want. I am unsure of how to approach it, how to find enough time, how to be successful with it... I know that i am good at the things I do... I don't know why I don't just jump forward and do it.

So, here I am peeking outside at what I want to do, what I could be doing... but I have not stepped out yet. Soon... soon I will take that step.